"Cayenne" is a GOLDEN in the true sense of this word. In the house she’s wonderful, respectful and quiet as a cat ... but in the same time, so smart and clever when working. She has to blindly trust her handler, then yes! brings out the best of herself. Dummies are a “must”, but “hunting” is a true passion! Hunting is in her gene. She naturally retrieves any kind of game, she never doubted once and always delivered to hand. When hunting she is stubborn, willing and tireless, with a great nose! I would not want anyone else by my side when picking up! These characteristics make her a perfect companion when shooting and among my best picking up dogs, allowing me to obtain results in Field Trial since the first competition we ran. Also in Working Test, we got several awards not only in the Beginner class, but also in Novice and Intermediate. Many satisfactions arrived also from the Shows, winning several CAC, BOS, but most importantly “Cayenne”was awarded Best Dual Purpose Golden Retriever Show & Work at the Club Show in Cervia (IT) in 2015, under the expert judge Fiona Clarckson (UK). "Cayenne" is spending her old age with my friend Roby, to whom I will be eternally grateful for taking care of her.
2 x CAC Winner
1 x BOS Winner
Best Dual Purpose Golden Show&Work 2015
FT Novice Award Winner
WT Intermediate Award Winner
Competition results
BVA HD 5:3
BVA ED 0:0
Eyes Clear + Gonio clear
GR_PRA1 - GR_PRA2 clear
ICT carrier