"Rooney" is definitely the sweetest and kindest dog we have in the kennel. His calm character makes him the perfect playmate for everyone, males and females, puppies and adults. At home he is the perfect gentleman, calm and never nosey, thanks to his excellent ability to "switch off" when not working. I would definitely call him a sensible but not soft dog. He's very stylish when hunting; he's a great marker, and can find very easily, thanks to his great nose.
Field Trial
31.03.2024 INT FT- CACIT- Guadalajara (ES), GOOD
05.10.2024 INT FT -CACIT- Saint Pierre du Jonquet (FR)- snipe trial- GOOD
07.02.2025 CACIT FT České Budějovice (CZ), 4th EXC
08.02.2025 CACIT FT České Budějovice (CZ), VERY GOOD
15.04.2023 WT in Kluisbergen (BE), 4th in Beginner with 85/100 points
08.06.2024 WT in Anzegem (BE), 4th in Open class with 83/100 points
Competition results
BVA HD 10:8
BVA ED 0:0
ECVO Eyes Clear + Gonio clear
prcd_PRA clear
GR_PRA1 clear
GR_PRA2 clear
NCL clear
MD (muscolar dystrophy) clear
ICT clear
Heart tested clear