"Storm", nicknamed "hunting machine Storm". No name could have been more suitable. A tireless dog, with an inexhaustible passion for hunting. Many of our friends refer to her as "a springer spaniel dressed as a Golden Retriever". "Storm" is the best hunting companion a hunter could wish for. She is calm and quiet at the post during driven days, and a perfect flashing dog on walk up days. Due to various circumstances not attributable to her, we never trialled her, but I'm sure she would have been a great dog, just like her parents. We are impatient to be able to start training her daughter "Hallow", who despite her very young age, has already shown great skills. "Storm" is co-owned with our friend and colleague Nathan Laffy, UK.
Competition results
BVA HD 5:5
BVA ED 0:0
ECVO Eyes Clear + Gonio clear
Prcd_PRA clear
GR_PRA1 - GR_PRA2 clear
Neuronal Ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL) clear
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) clear
Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophic (RDEB) clear
Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) clear
Muscolar Dystrophy (GRMD) clear
Ichthyosis (ICT) carrier