"Keen" is probably one of the most talented young dogs I have ever seen in my life. From a very young age he has shown to be very clear in his mind, accepting the training without any problem. In fact, his best quality is the ability to recover from mistakes without any blocks, but rather, always ready to try again. He is definitely a "hard going" dog, but not tough. "Keen" is the sire of our "Emma" (Think Twice Victor Victoria) and "Beech" (Think Twice Va Va Voom) owned by our friend Nathan Laffy in UK, both very promising young dogs.
10.09.2023 Pieter and myself are very proud to announce the start of a new partnership. Our beloved "Keen" has moved to Scotland, to our dear friend Kevin Haynes, to whom we are grateful for giving us this opportunity. Between Keen and Kevin, it was love at first sight! Despite his very young age, "Keen" already has a WT award in Belgium, and was a member of the Team, representing GRCN, at the Interclub 2023 (UK), TeamWT, gaining the 4th place. Kevin will run him this field trial season in UK and we are all looking forward to it. "Keen" is a very easy going and natural stud dog, fully health tested and proven.
He will be available at stud with approved and suitable bitches by
Kevin Haynes, Cairngryffe Gundogs, Biggar, Scotland
+44 7796 675130
For any enquires contact Kevin or drop us a message/email.
Field Trials
24.10.2023 Winner of the Golden Retriever Club Scotland, 1 day Open Breed Stake, Bowhill, UK
08.04.2023 WT in Luubbek (BE), 3rd in Beginner Class with 88/100 points
09.07.2023 Interclub 2023 (UK), TeamWT, representing GRCN, 4th place
Competition results
BVA HD 3:4
BVA ED 0:0
Eyes Clear + Gonio clear
prcd_PRA clear
GR_PRA1 carrier
GR_PRA2 clear
NCL clear
MD (muscolar dystrophy) clear
ICT carrier