The first words that comes to my mind to describe this dog is : "Diesel is a piece of my heart." Yes, because he really is my special dog, and all the people who know us, friends who train with us, they know how he looks at me, his sight says “I really love you”!
"Diesel" is my first working golden male and he really is a dog full of quality. He’s a very honest dog, which accepts to be handle with no problem, always together with me,always on the whistle. At the same time he’s a great hunter and an amazing gamefinder, in any type of grounds.
Among his best qualities, he’s a great marker, always calm and quite, really steady also in the heaviest driven shooting day, and he has long and straight lines. All these characteristics make of him a perfect trial dog, proves by the countless achievements he gained!
In 2011 I was a member of the official team who represented Italy at the IWT (international Working Test) and in 2012 and 2013 I was among the four Italian dogs present at the Skinner's World Cup Retriever Event at Highclere, England. 2014 it has definitely been a great year for me and my loved Int & IT FT Ch. The Road Runner.
At the beginning of the season we finished second at the two day Open trial Italian Championship, behind the unbeatable David Latham (pluri IGL Championship Winner). After many many awards during the year, “Diesel”and myself were selected as best dog of the previous trail season to represent Italy at the ICC (Individual Challenge Cup for Retriever) held in France, and we gained a second place, being awarded Vice European Winner in 2014.
After this wonderful season, I decided it was fair to such a great dog as "Diesel" had proven to be, to retire him from competition at the peak of his career. Then the ICC was his last trial, but he will be forever my best trial dog.
3 x 1°Ecc CACIT (CACIT Trial)
2 x 2°Ecc RisCACIT (CACIT Trial)
4 x 1°Ecc CAC (CACIT Trial)
3 x 2°Ecc RisCAC (CACIT Trial)
2 x 1°Ecc CAC (Open trial)
1 x 1°Ecc CAC (Novice Trial)
2° Exc ResCACIT, Vice ICC 2014 (Individual Challenge Cup) Winner, 09- 10/12/2014, France
QUALIFIED, Italian Retriever Championship 2015
2°Exc ResCACIT, Italian Retriever Championship 2014
QUALIFIED Italian Retriever Championship 2013
QUALIFIED Italian Retriever Championship 2012
Excellent in show
Competition results
BVA HD 3:3
BVA ED 0:0
Eyes Clear + Gonio clear
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MD (muscolar dystrophy) clear
ICT carrier