Definitely a week full of good news for the Think Twice gang.
24.08.2023 Let's start by announcing that after today's ultrasound, we can confirm that "Aida" is pregnant. More informations on the "planned litters" page, where you will also find some updates regarding future projects.

24.08.2023 Another great news arrived today : "Beech's" hips and elbow results came back from BVA with an unbelievable great score, so he's now available at stud with approved bitches. "Beech" is owned by Nathan Laffy, UK
BVA HD 0:2
BVA ED 0:0
Eyes Clear + Gonio clear
Prcd_PRA clear by parentage
Ichthyosis (ICT) clear
GR_PRA1 clear
GR_PRA2 clear by parentage
Neuronal Ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL) clear by parentage
Muscolar Dystrophy (GRMD) clear by parentage

19.08.2023 Last but not least, the Think Twice guys did well on show too. At the GRC e.V., Gelsenkirchen Club Show (DE), our lovely "Cider" was 4th in an huge Open bitches class, and her half brother "George" was also 4th in Open dog. "George" is owned by John and Ann De Zutter, Dunehills kennel. (BE). A very good result also for the lovely young "Mason", Think Twice Voice Your Choice, which was 4th in Junior class. Four was definitely our number!! "Mason" is out of "Cider x Paddy litter", and owned by Esther Remeijer (NL). Thank you to the judge Beate Ting (DE) for appreciating our dogs. A special thanks goes to John and Ann De Zutter for showing "Cider".
